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 APF Trade SRL Craiova

 Main business
Trader in the Equipment & Gear & Machinery section of the Constructions domain.

Strada Stefan cel Mare 85, Craiova

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Not available.

Importer: wrought iron cutting machines and concrete mixers 140-350 liters of hydraulic pallet trucks, Electric, wheelbarrows.

APF Trade SRL Craiova encounter 1488 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Dolj:

Authorized Distributor: Bosch Gas Industry, Geko, Georg Fischer, Zass, Wacker, Rothenberger, Lincoln Electric, Maer Tools, Trade Agent.

ALFA Dealer Gru in Romania, offers to purchase or rent tower cranes manufactured in Italy in November.

Lifting and handling tasks. For training. crane, stivuitoristi. Authorisation. Time permitting. Machinist training for earthworks.

Machines for construction industry. Metal structures for different uses. Electricity production equipment and facilities. Trading of hydraulic equipment and presses. Equipments.


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