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 Unimat SRL Selimbar

 Main business
Trader in the Building Material section of the Constructions domain.

Strada Mihai Viteazu 2B, Selimbar

 In charge 
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Direct importer Knauf, LB-Knauf, Isover, Velux dealer, Bramac, Elpreco, Imcop Teius, Wienerberger Porotherm, Holcim, Tondach, wrought iron workshop concrete art equipment.

Unimat SRL Selimbar encounter 2257 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Sibiu:

Authorized dealer for these range of products: metal roof coating systems of volcanic rock "Gerard" 50-year warranty, drainage systems, all accessories for roofing.

Construction mechanisation. Domestic and international road transport of goods. Manufacturer of construction materials. Transportation of construction materials. Roads and bridges - construction and maintenance. Sale of building materials.

Raw materials for construction.

Sale of building materials. Importer of construction materials. Construction, installation, servicing, repairing of thermal power plant. Installations fittings and subassemblies. Air conditioning and heating devices. Sale of metallurgical products.


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