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 Latina Plastics S.A. Bucuresti

 Main business
Manufacturer in the Equipment & Packing & Machinery section of the Alimentation domain.

Soseaua Vergului 41, Etaj 4, Bucuresti 2

 In charge 
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 Web address
Not available.

Sole producer of multilayer flexible packaging films in vacuum / controlled atmosphere of food, industrial or medical. OSIM products are trademarks and are the opinion of Min. San.

Latina Plastics S.A. Bucuresti encounter 1092 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Bucuresti:

Lifting equipment. Equipment and machinery for bottling and proportioning bulk goods. Travelling crane.

Scales and precision equipment. Computer hardware. Software. Supplier of equipment and machinery for packaging.

Electricity production equipment and facilities. Technological equipment. Vegetable oil presses. Various spare parts.

Plants and equipment for house heating. Meters and measuring equipment. Meat processing equipments.


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