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 ISG Romania SRL Bucuresti

 Main business
Offer services in the Human Resources & Headhunting section of the Services domain.

Strada Poet Panait Cerna 7, Bl. M44, Sc.3, Ap.65, Bucuresti

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Complete HR services - selection and recruitment, personnel assessment, training, coaching, outplacement, management audit.

ISG Romania SRL Bucuresti encounter 1874 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Bucuresti:

Training courses, consultancy. Business plan. Strategic management, operational. Financial Management. Managerial Accounting. Budgets and budgetary control. Working methods and forms.

Payroll. Personnel leasing. Recruitment Executive Search. Assessment Center. Outplacement. Career counseling. Training. Performance management. Team building. HR Consulting. PR & Communication.

AVA Human Resources provides recruitment, Executive-Search, outplacement, HR consulting, personnel assessment, training, translation and interpretation, in protected unit protocol.

Human STRATEGICS is HR consulting company that helps managers to find and develop people, but also to change and develop their leading organizations.


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