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 Sistemul de Gospodarire a Apelor Calarasi

 Main business
Offer services in the Water Supply & Purification & Sewer System section of the Services domain.

Soseaua Chiciu 2, Calarasi

 In charge 
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 Mobile phone
Not available.
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 Web address
Not available.

Water supply and sewerage facilities.

Sistemul de Gospodarire a Apelor Calarasi encounter 2144 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Calarasi:

Manufacture moulding PP, HDPE, sort.

Cadastre. Topography. Measurements. Geodesy. Land Registry. Tabulation. Expertise. Cartography. GIS. Urbanism. Consulting. Architecture.

Our company main activity is to design installations for civil and industrial design water networks and sewage networks.

IntegraHR - dedicated people. Team of specialists with five years experience, we offer recruitment and selection, job analysis, training, teambuilding and mystery shopping.


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