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 Romradiatoare SA Brasov

 Main business
Manufacturer in the Conditioning & Press Forming & Galvanization section of the Industrial domain.

Strada Zizinului 113A, Brasov

 In charge 
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 Mobile phone
Not available.
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 Web address

Manufacturer of radiators, auto cooling, heat exchangers for industrial applications, light metal, die-cut pieces.

Romradiatoare SA Brasov encounter 1700 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Brasov:

Mould. Die casting molds TSP. Injection molds. RIM polyurethane injection molds. Casting molds. Control devices, thermo devices. Sale / cutting duralumin, steel.

Sale of building materials. Supplier of steel-reinforced concrete. Metal. Supply of building materials. Metal trade. Sheets and laminates. Construction brick.

Machining. Equipment repairs. Metallic coatings. Structures and metal. PVC and aluminum. Industrial and civil construction. Gas installations, electrical heating.


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