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 Inter-Metall SRL Slatina

 Main business
Offer services in the (Non)ferrous Casthouse section of the Industrial domain.
Offer services in the Recycling & Recovery section of the Services domain.
Offer services in the Road Commodities National section of the Transport domain.
Trader in the Wholesale & Retail Trade section of the Trade domain.

Strada Graiste 26, Slatina

 In charge 
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 Web address
Not available.

Company founded in 2001, working point in Slatina, Olt. Decommissioning and dismantling works perform industrial facilities across the country.

Inter-Metall SRL Slatina encounter 1441 online visits.
Other companies acting in similar business from Olt:

Manufactures and markets cast iron garden furniture, fireplace doors, iron tucerie, irrigation systems, machinery - machinery and agricultural implements.

Non-ferrous foundry, produce alloys and aluminum parts (pistons Dacia 1300, 1400, 1600, tractor U650 and ARO vehicle).

Non-ferrous foundry. Stocks and merchandise purchase. Domestic and international road transport. Distribution of various products.

Non-ferrous foundry. Fishing articles.


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