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 GranDe Top Instal SRL Geamana

 Main business
Offer services in the Water Supply & Purification & Sewer System section of the Services domain.

Str.Merilor 10, Bradu, Geamana

 In charge 
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We perform sanitary, thermal, water and sewage water extensions, water connections, sewerage connections, septic sewer installation, drainage, water sewage interventions at any hour with own transport, assure service to commercial companies, owners associations. Install thermosystem for buildings, blocks at the lowest price.

GranDe Top Instal SRL Geamana encounter 124 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Arges:

Supply of equipment and facilities for pools. Saunas and sauna accessories.

Water and sewerage services.

We perform small water wells and deep diam. 509 mm, equipped with facilities FA12 diameter PVC columns at depths of 160-270 m. We perform hidroutilitare 50-300, water.

Construction design services. Water and sewerage services. Bridges designing. Environment services.


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