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 Braia Elena Nicoleta Intreprindere Individuala

 Main business
Manufacturer in the Precast Wares & Block & Brick & Tile & Paving section of the Constructions domain.

Sat Balesti, Balesti

 In charge 
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 Web address

Vibro masonry bricks (model: 40 X 20 X 20) with use in masonry building closure and subdivision for civil and industrial applications. Paving blocks Double T, gray or colored 7 cm thick, heavy traffic, up to 24t. They are made by vibro-compression technology, use technology along with special additives to ensure their behavior standards of production, all attempts to which they are subject.

Braia Elena Nicoleta Intreprindere Individuala encounter 677 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Gorj:

Sale of building materials. Construction materials - concrete blocks from aggregated and simple cement. Cement trade. Supplier of steel-reinforced concrete. Metal trade. Civil engineering.

Asphalt road services. Roads construction materials. Construction and maintenance of roads and bridges. Concrete and aggregates for gravel pit. Gravel and sand for construction.

Inland goods transport. Building concrete blocks. Sale of building materials. Trading of vegetable products. Farm food distribution.

Roads construction materials. Building concrete blocks. Construction brick. Construction and maintenance of roads and bridges. Roof tile. Water drilling and supply arrangements.


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