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 Tarpan C. Valeriu Intreprindere Individuala

 Main business
Offer services in the Funerary section of the Services domain.

Strada 1 Decembrie 1918, Bl.F1, Parter, Braila

 In charge 
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Funeral services agency headquartered in Braila, vis-a-vis the road Billa Ramnicu Sarat, offers a range of funeral services. Our goal is to provides an alternative honest and quality service at the lowest prices. We treat each case with due dignity and try to ease the transition as much as possible demise deceased family, relatives and all those involved. Range of services that we can provide are:

Tarpan C. Valeriu Intreprindere Individuala encounter 216 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Braila:

Sack sealing machine. Supplier of equipment and machinery for packaging. Farm machinery and equipment. Supplier for agricultural farms. Sewing machines - supply. Tools and equipment for bakeries. Bread ovens.

Funeral services.

Funerary monuments and crosses.

Society is the representative society Benedetti from Italy, manufacturer of funeral and medical articles in the SE and NE Romania.


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