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 Bioanalysis SRL Timisoara

 Main business
Offer services in the Refresher & (Re)training Courses section of the Education domain.

Strada Gelu 4, Timisoara

 In charge 
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 Web address

Bioanalysis is based provider of training courses in the western part of Romania that offers training necessary to achieve a qualification or a job.

Bioanalysis SRL Timisoara encounter 212 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Timis:

Training and marketing services companies.

Video Lessons Educational software Corel Draw, Photopaint, AutoCAD, Windows Office, web design, animation, modeling, simulation, animation, applications, computer tests, car bodies, drawing mechanisms.

Approved courses in progress: stoker steam and hot water COR Class Code: 8161.03. Stoker boiler of hot water and low pressure steam COR Class C Code: 8161.06.

ECDL courses, computers, IT, assistant manager, computerized accounting.


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