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 Moderna Glaf SRL Jilava

 Main business
Trader in the Door & Gate & Window section of the Household domain.

Soseaua Giurgiului 5, Jilava

 In charge 
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We produce PVC and aluminum sills. Full range PVC ext 150-600, 110-240 ext PVC, aluminum exterior 50-400. Permanent stock factory prices.

Moderna Glaf SRL Jilava encounter 227 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Ilfov:

Interior doors.

Garages gates and doors.

Heat & soundproof windows for windows and doors. PVC reinforced with steel joinery. Air conditioning and heating devices. Buildings or production facilities coverage systems. Special walls of aluminium joinery. Laminated wood joinery with soundproof panes.

Installation of metal doors and rails. Doors/gates/closure systems.


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