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 Don Ilie-Calin Biomush Intreprindere Individuala

 Main business
Manufacturer in the Horticulture & Gardening & Flower & Hothouse & Wine section of the Agriculture domain.

Strada Revolutiei 32, Curtici

 In charge 
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Manufacturer Pleurotus mushrooms and tunnels for culture. their production. The tunnels are designed, equipped and built entirely by us. Provide compost and take over the mushrooms.

Don Ilie-Calin Biomush Intreprindere Individuala encounter 369 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Arad:

Established in early 2004, has 14 hectares of greenhouses. Production of greenhouse vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers).

Flowers growers. Research.

Landscape architecture and design. Nurseries trade. Garden furniture. Artesian fountains. Construction and maintenance. Gardens.

Vegetables and greenhouses.


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