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 Kabriolet SRL Arefu

 Main business
Manufacturer in the Filature & Yarn & Thread & Fiber section of the Clothing domain.

Localitatea Arefu

 In charge 
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Not available.
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Not available.

The company main business is spinning. Produce carded yarn from piptanate semipieptanate NM1 to NM50 Melania for polyester wool. carpets, beds, fabrics. Sell wool beds.

Kabriolet SRL Arefu encounter 275 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Arges:

Meat products sale. Manufacturer of various garments.

We manufacture and sell plastic bags for textiles - simple or printed, or straight shaped hangers, bags packed, film rolls, shopping bags.

Textile and footwear retailer. Clothes.

Women and youth clothing import.


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