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 Euro Funghi SRL Sanicolau Roman

 Main business
Manufacturer in the Fungus & Mushroom section of the Agriculture domain.

Localitatea Sanicolau Roman

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Farm mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus), equipped to the highest standards in the field, capacity 3.5 tons / week. We sell mushrooms at producer prices, quality.

Euro Funghi SRL Sanicolau Roman encounter 1356 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Bihor:

Trade and services industries in agriculture, high capacity storage and processing. Ensure prompt deliveries in any quantities.

Nise acquisition, storage grain. Production of fodder and concentrated feed MVP. Own farm produce in broilers and pigs.

Private owned company, manufactures and markets dolomite, limestone used as Baita raw material in premixes and compound feed production and glass industry.

Acquisition, processing and exports of mushrooms and berries.


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