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 Alpiutilex SRL Bacau

 Main business
Offer services in the Service Shop section of the Services domain.

Strada Livezilor 2, Sc.B, Ap.9, Et.4, Bacau

 In charge 
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 Web address
Not available.

Climbing. Washing / cleaning windows. Painting / Painting outdoor industry. Mounted banners, mashuri, back-lituri, prisms, unipols. Upon request and perform other work at height.

Alpiutilex SRL Bacau encounter 191 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Bacau:

The company offers a wide range of professional cleaning services with tailored solutions and space you have available.

Provides specialized services reffering to health and safety of work and fire protection, bringing together specialists in this field with over 10 years of professional experience.

Sales / professional service checkout systems market / supermarket, solutions restaurant / hotel, electronic scales.

Consultancy work safety in Bacau. PSI consulting in Bacau. Safety and health consulting work in Bacau. Assessments of risk levels.


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