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 Asociatia Carmen Piatra Neamt

 Main business
Organization in the Center & Organization & Development section of the Business domain.

Strada Mihai Eminescu 5/55, Piatra Neamt

 In charge 
Install InfoCompanies software in order to contact the Asociatia Carmen Piatra Neamt representative.
 Mobile phone
Install InfoCompanies software in order to access the mobile phone number.
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Install InfoCompanies software in order to contact Asociatia Carmen Piatra Neamt.
 Web address

Gobelins for sale. HR projects. Legal activities. Sale of banking products.

Asociatia Carmen Piatra Neamt encounter 311 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Neamt:

Fairs and exhibitions organisers. Business consulting. Fairs and exhibitions - exhibitions organization.

The body of accounting experts/certified accountants in Romania. Financial consulting and accounting, auditing, accounting. Business consulting. Consulting for small and medium enterprises. Advice for making and carrying out community funding projects.

Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Fairs and exhibitions organisers. Consulting. Business association. Training/retraining vocational courses. Databank. Operations with data banks.

Development agency.


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