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 Arvensis SRL Timisoara

 Main business
Trader in the Building Material section of the Constructions domain.

Strada Sf.Ap.Petru si Pavel (Borzesti) 48, Timisoara

 In charge 
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 Mobile phone
Not available.
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 Web address

We have a wide range of products: building materials, paints Kraft, Caparol paints, thermal, graphics, drawings.

Arvensis SRL Timisoara encounter 455 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Timis:

Arrangements and interior design. Profiles for structures and interior improvements. Interior decoration. Construction materials for finishing.

Sale of building materials. Raw materials for construction. Articles, parts and items for interior decoration. Raw materials and materials for thermal insulation/waterproofing. Metal trade. Sale of metallurgical products. Sheets and laminates.

Supply of building materials.

Supply of building materials. Manufacturer of construction materials.


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