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 AS Proiect SRL Sibiu

 Main business
Offer services in the Architecture & Designing & Consulting & Services section of the Household domain.

Strada Gheorghe Sincai 27, Ap.1, Sibiu 550082

 In charge 
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 Web address
Not available.

Architectural design. Elaborate architectural projects of all specialties needed: architecture, resistance machines.

AS Proiect SRL Sibiu encounter 577 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Sibiu:

Building design, structural design, structural design, strength design, structure design strength, building design, design.

Horizontal drilling services. Industrial and civil construction. Construction services.

Architectural and real-estate planning. Architectural design services.

Industrial and civil construction. Construction. Construction services. Construction installations. Design and planning for public works. Materials for concrete prefabs for construction.


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