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 Bella-Mar Studio SRL Constanta

 Main business
Offer services in the Refresher & (Re)training Courses section of the Education domain.

Strada Pescarilor 15, Bl.MZ7, parter, Constanta

 In charge 
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Training of adults. Courses approved by the NATB, approved by the Ministry of Labour and Ministry of Education. Courses: hairdressing, cosmetology, massage, makeup, manicure, pedicure, cook.

Bella-Mar Studio SRL Constanta encounter 2074 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Constanta:

Accredited professional training courses: labor protection inspector, inspector human resources, technical framework PSI, computer operator, accounting, agent (broker) real estate.

Free trainings accredited by PoSDRU. The project is implemented by the Romanian Association of Youth with Initiative, in partnership with Pro Vobis.

Training courses in commercial and waterways, evaluation and certification of professional skills, profile analysis and occupational standards development.

Foreign languages courses.


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