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 Total Plast SRL Botosani

 Main business
Manufacturer in the Material & Product & Processing section of the Plastics domain.

Calea Nationala 37, Corp 5, Botosani

 In charge 
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Manufacturer and distributor of household items, construction, carpentry AL-PVC, industrial parts, auto accessories. Acquisition and processing of waste plastics.

Total Plast SRL Botosani encounter 511 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Botosani:

Plastic bags, sacks, coverings. Production/supply of plastics. Processing of plastics. Advertising materials. Plastic packaging.

Processing of plastics.

Processing of plastics.

Processing of plastics. Plastic pipes and accessories. Electrical accessories - caps, clamps, armatures. Toys production. Household articles of plastics. Production/supply of plastics.


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