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 Lider Consult SRL Cluj-Napoca

 Main business
Offer services in the Evaluation & Expertise & Survey section of the Services domain.

Strada Al.Vaida Voevod 2, Cluj-Napoca

 In charge 
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 Mobile phone
Not available.
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 Web address

Building Consultancy. Preparing tender documentation, work estimates, real estate assessments.

Lider Consult SRL Cluj-Napoca encounter 377 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Cluj:

Assessment in accordance with international standards for for real estate and movable. sale, purchase, guarantee loans, mortgages, tax.

Thermal scanning services, consulting, import and distribution of thermal infrared scanning systems, architecture, design and execution of civil and industrial construction.

Over 13 years of experience generates confidence of our clients: business consulting, tax consulting, accounting and auditing.

Implementation and certification of management systems: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, ISO 22000, ISO 27001, SA 8000, ISO 17025. Products with CE certification. Accessing European funds.


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