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 Citadin SRL Constanta

 Main business
Trader in the Trade Representative section of the Trade domain.

Strada Malinului 6, Bl.B7, Ap.30, Constanta

 In charge 
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Romanian capital company, established in 1994 to promote modern technical solutions designed to provide beneficiaries safety, health and comfort.

Citadin SRL Constanta encounter 284 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Constanta:

Retail trade.

Cabins and bathtubs hiromasaj + radiotelephone, bamboo flooring, granite composite, ceramic tiles, batteries and accessories, mirrors, cabinets.

Main Activity: Export of finished goods and oil industry products (fatty acids, pressed, zaturi). Rehabilitation and recovery of waste textile, PVC.

Wholesale trade and non-food goods. Retail trade.


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