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 Volta Marine SRL Galati

 Main business
Trader in the Wholesale Trade section of the Trade domain.

Strada Navelor 7, Galati

 In charge 
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Import and sales (for industrial and marine) products following established brands: Untel, worship, Victron Energy, Tyco, Aqua Signal, Karl-Dose, DHR, Zenitel.

Volta Marine SRL Galati encounter 642 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Galati:

Hides processing and preserving. Tanning. Production and supply of leather. Stocks and merchandise purchase.

Tanning. Production and supply of leather. Hides processing and preserving. Stocks and merchandise purchase.

The company is one of the oldest distribution companies in this area, representatives for different companies with tradition in Romania and abroad, logo "smart electrical solutions " saying everything.

Wholesale of non-food products. Cotton knitting. Shoes wholesaler. Textile and footwear retailer.


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