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 Productie In Memoriam SZI SRL Sfantu Gheorghe

 Main business
Organization in the Roof & Cover & (Hydro)insulating section of the Constructions domain.

Strada Ciucului 90A, Sfantu Gheorghe

 In charge 
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 Web address

We offer great value concept in the planning process. Reliability, timeliness, professionalism, experience and guaranteed work are just some of the words that characterize us.

Productie In Memoriam SZI SRL Sfantu Gheorghe encounter 336 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Covasna:

Civil engineering. Thermal and hydro insulation. Installation and repair for sanitary items. Tools and equipment. Car dealers and trade. Wood production. Domestic road transport.

Raw materials and materials for thermal insulation/waterproofing. Metal trade. Sale of building materials. Steel storage. Waterproofing professional services and materials. Professionals waterproofing insulators for construction.

Waterproofing professional services and materials. Metal structures for different uses.

Consulting and technical assistance for insulation works, execution of insulation,sale of insulation materials, including thermo facade. ale of ?thermoconcrete with EPS.


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