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 Coldine SRL Craiova

 Main business
Trader in the Equipment & Packing & Machinery section of the Alimentation domain.

Strada A.I.Cuza, Bl.D, Parter, Craiova 200528

 In charge 
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Liebherr refrigeration professional.

Coldine SRL Craiova encounter 366 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Dolj:

PET bottle manufacturer in industrial quantities.

We are designers, manufacturers and distributors of agricultural machinery (tractors, motosape, tillers, motocositoare, chainsaws, motofoarfeca, motoburghiu, gas mower).

Equipment for bread and bakery. Food industry equipment. Sale of building materials. Sale of computers. Leasing. Financial intermediation services. Sale of machines for food industry. Milling equipment. Tools and equipment for bakeries. Bread ovens.

Supplier of equipment and machinery for packaging. Building equipment. Automation. Belt carriers. Scales and precision equipment. Industrial electronic products. Components and subassemblies. Food supply. Machines and equipment for the pharmaceutical industry.


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