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 Mischel Leonardo SRL Ploiesti

 Main business
Offer services in the Equipment & Packing & Machinery section of the Alimentation domain.

Strada Penes Curcanul 8, Bl.151C, Ploiesti

 In charge 
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Sale, installation, service and maintenance equipment for industrial and commercial refrigeration. Fully equipped supermarkets, cold storage (cold room).

Mischel Leonardo SRL Ploiesti encounter 870 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Prahova:

Disposable packaging.

Cooler meat, dairy. Cooler chicken, meat, fish. Cooler confectionery, ice cream. Beverage cooler. Rooms / frigorice shelves, cold room doors.

Food factories "key" slaughterhouses carmangerii, cold stores, bakery, dairy factories, canning of fruits, vegetables, fish factory.

Tapes for package binding. Accessories, equipment and machinery for pastries and confectioners. Staples, stoppers, mechanic bottling. Essences, aromas, concentrated food. Additives, yeast for bakery.


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