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 Crama Sparleni SRL Gusoeni

 Main business
Trader in the Horticulture & Gardening & Flower & Hothouse & Wine section of the Agriculture domain.

Sparleni 1, localitatea Gusoeni

 In charge 
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 Mobile phone
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 Web address

Producing fine wines from varieties Cramposia Dragasani, Royal Feteasca, Sauvignon, Riesling, Cabernet and their marketing bulk or bottled in limited edition bottles 500-10000 year.

Crama Sparleni SRL Gusoeni encounter 988 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Valcea:

Fruit research and production. Fruit growers. Tree growing.

Agricultural services and products. Research and production in viticulture. Vineyard. Plant research and growth.

Plant research and growth. Food vinegar production. Trade of general use products. Trade of vegetables and fruits. Wholesale and retail trade.

Fish and fish products - supply. Wine made. Dairy products sales. Trade of general use products. Fish processing. Food retailers.


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