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 Sonest Medical SRL Campina

 Main business
Importer/Exporter in the Lab & Office Equipment section of the Health domain.

Strada B.P.Hasdeu, Campina

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Importer and distributor of medical devices for human use and veterinary use: ultrasound, color dopplere, dopplere transcraniene, ECG, pulse oximetry, meter, analyzers.

Sonest Medical SRL Campina encounter 514 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Sibiu:

Laboratory and analysis equipment.

Import of dental products.

Reuzinate sells new and imported ultrasound, providing warranty and post warranty service and a minimum stock of 40 ultrasound.

Import and distribution of medical supplies and equipment (ultrasound, ultrasound gel, meter, tensiomatru, aerosol devices, EKG, EEG, spirometry, audiometry).


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