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 Remont Serv SRL Campia Turzii

 Main business
Manufacturer in the Bottling & Packages & Equipment section of the Beverages domain.

Strada Aleea Vanatorilor 8, Bl.D, Ap.18, Campia Turzii

 In charge 
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 Mobile phone
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 Web address
Not available.

Marketing, service, spare parts for new and reconditioned bottling lines. Baxat automatic machines. Machines for labeling, filters, pumps, pasteurizatoare.

Remont Serv SRL Campia Turzii encounter 875 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Cluj:

Design and distribution of paper bags, plastic bags, sheets, bags, cartons, envelopes for pharmacies, aluminum foil, pizza boxes, bags and envelopes for fast-food restaurants.

Raw materials and accessories for furniture - delivery. Machinery, equipment and appliances for public food units.

Hotel equipments. Manufacturer of household items and housekeeping tools. Manufacturer of household items and housekeeping tools. Machinery, equipment and appliances for public food units. Equipment manufacturer/supplier for catering/food industry.

Machinery and accessories for coffee. Coffee - trade. Wholesale importer of coffee.


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