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 Lavory Serv Impex SRL Corod

 Main business
Offer services in the Civil & Industrial & Special Contractor section of the Constructions domain.

Sat Corod, Comuna Corod

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Construction Company offers a choice of quality services, performed by highly qualified personnel in construction and real estate industries.

Lavory Serv Impex SRL Corod encounter 479 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Galati:

Industrial and civil construction. Construction. Construction services. Site manager. Landscaping and fencing of construction sites. Farm engineering, agricultural greenhouses, warehouses. Urban construction. Turn-key construction. Gas and water piping.

Construction. Construction services. Civil engineering. Industrial and civil construction. Farm engineering, agricultural greenhouses, warehouses. Turn-key construction. Urban construction. Socio-cultural constructions. Special construction. Gas and water installation.

Construction. Construction services. Industrial and civil construction. Turn-key construction. Construction installations. Plants and equipment for house heating. Arrangements and interior design. Machinery and equipment rental for construction industry.

Machinery and equipment rental for construction industry. Construction. Construction services. Industrial and civil construction. Building demolition services. Construction of industrial buildings for production and storage.


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