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 Luisse Design SRL Iasi

 Main business
Offer services in the Furniture & Product & Accessory & Tapestry section of the Household domain.

Aleea M.Sadoveanu 21, Iasi

 In charge 
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 Mobile phone
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 Web address

Horizontal and vertical blinds, joinery fittings, PVC furniture, PVC joinery and, keep in poliplan, pale furniture, metal, metal.

Luisse Design SRL Iasi encounter 402 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Iasi:

Production of furniture.

Chairs. Kitchen furniture. Bedrooms furniture. Beds, wardrobes, bedside. Desks/computers furniture. Furniture for banks and conferences.

Production of furniture. Desks/computers furniture.

Production of furniture. Chairs. Furniture for banks and conferences.


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