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 Exact Factor SRL Suceava

 Main business
Offer services in the Evaluation & Expertise & Survey section of the Services domain.

Aleea Nucului, Bl.5, Sc.B, Ap.8, Suceava

 In charge 
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 Web address

Property assessment or reassessment, the international professional standards for apartments, houses and villas, commercial, manufacturing facilities, warehouses, workshops, construction.

Exact Factor SRL Suceava encounter 374 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Suceava:

Architectural design services. Architectural and real-estate planning. Evaluations and appraisals. Construction design services.

Accounting services, accounting expertise, technical and legal; votes ANEVAR: buildings, land, equipment, type PHARE projects, financial audit, design advertising, web, teacher.

Consulting sales opportunities, sales training, human resources, recruitment.

Financial auditing services/accountancy. Evaluations and appraisals.


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