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 Raflatac Rom SRL Brasov

 Main business
Manufacturer in the Equipment & Packing & Machinery section of the Alimentation domain.

Strada Maramures 5, Brasov

 In charge 
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Producer of white or colored stickers in roll or sheet, manufacturing tags, distributor of ribbons, printers, cash register rolls, POS rolls, polystyrene trays.

Raflatac Rom SRL Brasov encounter 1046 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Brasov:

Pubs/hotels professional equipment supplier.

Engineering Company, a leading provider of equipment and machinery for the food industry. We offer design, consultancy in the field, delivery, installation and commissioning pound.

Stainless steel metal structures. Food industry equipment. Machinery, equipment and appliances for public food units.

Company specialized in offering solutions and eating a wide range of professional equipment for hotels, bars, restaurants and their related businesses.


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