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 Yurta Prod SRL Sacele

 Main business
Trader in the Raw Materials & Equipment & Suppliers section of the Agriculture domain.

Bulevardul Brasovului 80, Sacele, 505600

 In charge 
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Seeds supply. Weed killers, insecticides, pest killers.

Yurta Prod SRL Sacele encounter 2278 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Brasov:

Animal greening of livestock breeding and fattening agrozootechnical units, meat processing units, producing flour protein.

Production, collection and sale of milk.

Import of agricultural machinery and livestock equipment from Poland: cutters, discs, rakes, mowers, machinery of herbicides, watering, electric fences, ear tag pliers, hoof.

Proteic flour, fodder processing.


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