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 Valro Trade SRL Galati

 Main business
Manufacturer in the Pipe & Loom & Wheels & Bearing section of the Machinery domain.

Strada Buzdugan 2760, Liesti, 807180

 In charge 
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 Web address

Pipes supply. Production of weld less pipes. Welded pipes. Multilayer pipes. Sale of metallurgical products. Metal trade. Distribution of technical products and materials.

Valro Trade SRL Galati encounter 395 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Galati:

Roller bearings with various applications. Transmission belts. Grooved belts. Fasteners. Screws and metal accessories merchandising. Electric equipment. Electrical equipment and appliances. Electrical cables and connection accessories.

Roller bearings with various applications. Storage and merchandising of roller bearings.

Bicycles and bike accessories. Retail trade of plastics. Transmission belts. Roller bearings with various applications.

Pipes supply. Production of weld less pipes. Welded pipes. Metal trade. Sale of metallurgical products. Bars and steel profiles. Raw materials for construction. Light metal and alternative materials structures.


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