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 VP Abrazive Grup SRL Timisoara

 Main business
Trader in the Faience & Sandstone & Marble & Linoleum & Additive section of the Constructions domain.
Manufacturer in the Electric & Borizing & Cutting Tool section of the Machinery domain.
Manufacturer in the Carpentry House Tool section of the Machinery domain.

Strada A.Demetriade 1/5 - depozit, Timisoara; Strada Albacului 43 - depozit, Oradea; Strad

 In charge 
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 Mobile phone
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 Web address

Equipments, materials and abrasives products. Tools for cutting. Professional hand tools. Diamond tools. Stainless steel metal structures. Import-export of steel products.

VP Abrazive Grup SRL Timisoara encounter 1324 online visits.
Other companies acting in similar business from Timis:

Wide range of granite products.

We perform interior-exterior: tiles, drywall, laminate flooring, plastering, painting.

Building equipment. Equipments, materials and abrasives products. Generating sets - emergency. Power pumps.

Marble for construction. Plates and custom shapes.


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