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 Vanesica Plast SRL Gaesti

 Main business
Manufacturer in the Production & Spare Parts section of the Auto domain.
Trader in the Spare Parts section of the Auto domain.
Trader in the Cosmetic & Ornament & Accesory section of the Auto domain.
Manufacturer in the Material & Product & Processing section of the Plastics domain.

Strada 13 Decembrie nr.59, Gaesti, 135200

 In charge 
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 Mobile phone
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 Web address
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Manufacturer of car accessories and spare parts. Sale of car accessories and spare parts. Cosmetic products for automotive industry. Production/supply of plastics. Car tuning and trimming. Thresholds, masks.

Vanesica Plast SRL Gaesti encounter 1369 online visits.
Other companies acting in similar business from Dambovita:

Translators. Road train for car transportation.

Trader and distributor of motor vehicles and cars. Intermediary in the sale/purchase of cars and vehicles. General car service. All car brands.

Plastic packaging. Industrial and civil construction.

Manufacturer of military equipment. Manufacturer of equipments/accessories for farm machinery. Manufacturer of car accessories and spare parts. Repair of rolling stock - locomotives, wagons. Farm machinery and equipment. Design and manufacture of spare parts.


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