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 Valrom Exim SRL Braila

 Main business
Trader in the Raw Materials & Equipment & Suppliers section of the Agriculture domain.
Importer/Exporter in the Equipment & Packing & Machinery section of the Alimentation domain.
Manufacturer in the Agricultural Vehicles section of the Auto domain.
Offer services in the Disinfection & Decontamination & Deratisation section of the Health domain.

Calea Calarasilor 314-316, Braila, 810440

 In charge 
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 Mobile phone
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 Web address

Equipments provider for pest control. Imports of farm machinery and equipment. Farm machinery and equipment. Spare parts for agricultural machinery. Supplier for agricultural farms.

Valrom Exim SRL Braila encounter 1454 online visits.
Other companies acting in similar business from Braila:

Research in the agriculture field. Seeds supply. Cattle breeding. Sheep breeding - sheep farm.

Vegetables and greenhouses. Producer of vegetables for food. Greenhouses for horticulture. Trading of vegetable products. Agricultural services and products. Seeds supply. Potatoes farm. Supply of fruit made in Romania. Trade of vegetables and fruits.

Agricultural services and products.

Agriculture and rural development authority.


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