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 Topges SRL Craiova

 Main business
Offer services in the Cadastre & Geodesy & Topography & Hydro & Weather Forecast section of the Services domain.

Calea Bucuresti 10, Bl.M7-M8, et.3, Craiova, 200674

 In charge 
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Geodesy and soil expertise. Cadastral services and measurement services. Real estate cadastre. Measurements of the (under) soil, graphical representation of surfaces. Bridges designing. Design and consulting for water and sewerage networks.

Topges SRL Craiova encounter 192 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Dolj:

Electricity and heat counter devices. Verification and access control equipment. Metrology and measurement services. Monitoring. Plants and equipment for house heating. Measuring and control devices. Systems and equipment for automation. Air conditioning .

Repair of rolling stock - locomotives, wagons. Axle production and repair. Repair and maintenance of electric motors. Metrology and measurement services. Monitoring. Construction installations. Repair of motor vehicles. Service. Service/installation/maintenance.

Building design hydraulic lifting topo, regularization rivers, roads, power lines. The behavior of construction documentation. Tracing. Cadastre. All in digital format.

Meteorological and hydrological services. Forecasts.


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