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 U.N.T.R.R. Bucuresti

 Main business
Offer services in the Commodities International & Shipping section of the Transport domain.
Offer services in the Road Travelling International section of the Transport domain.

Strada Ienachita Vacarescu 60, Bucuresti 4, 040157

 In charge 
Install InfoCompanies software in order to contact the U.N.T.R.R. Bucuresti representative.
 Mobile phone
Not available.
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Install InfoCompanies software in order to contact U.N.T.R.R. Bucuresti.
 Web address

Domestic and international road transport of goods. Domestic and international road transport of passengers.

U.N.T.R.R. Bucuresti encounter 1046 online visits.
Other companies with similar business field from Bucuresti:

Perform domestic and international road transport, air transport as well.

Transport company, performed the carriage of general merchandise in exclusive, groupage and express anywhere in Romania, Bulgaria and Western Europe. Negotiable and reasonable prices.

Domestic and international road transport of goods. Sale of building materials. Inland goods transport. International freight transportation.

Domestic and international transportation of goods with vans.


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