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 Torent SRL Piatra Neamt

 Main business
Manufacturer in the Furniture & Product & Accessory & Tapestry section of the Household domain.
Manufacturer in the Forest Exploitation & Wood Processing & Products section of the Wood domain.
Manufacturer in the Interior Decoration & Improvement & Utility section of the Household domain.

Gara Veche 2 - depozite, Piatra Neamt, 610206

 In charge 
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 Mobile phone
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 Web address
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Production of furniture. Upholstered furniture. Wood waste chipboards. Upholstery for joinery products. Small furniture pieces.

Torent SRL Piatra Neamt encounter 1675 online visits.
Other companies acting in similar business from Neamt:

Production of canned vegetables and fruits. Natural juices and nectars manufacturer. Supply of fruit made in Romania. Production of canned vegetables and fruits. Food for diet/nutrition. Producer of vegetables for food.

Furniture exporter. Production of furniture. Personalized furniture. Small furniture pieces. Hotel furniture. Exporter of wood. We make interior wooden stairs. Furniture and wood trade. Construction parquet and timber.

Small furniture pieces. Export of small furniture pieces.

Export of small furniture pieces.


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