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 Top Euro Construct SA Bucuresti - Pensiunea Casa Mica ***

 Main business
Offer services in the Hotel & Motel & Villa section of the Tourism domain.
Offer services in the Housing & Camping & Chalet & Bungalow section of the Tourism domain.

Strada Popovat 76, Bucuresti 6, 060313

 In charge 
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 Mobile phone
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Hotel. Short term rental/accommodation.

Top Euro Construct SA Bucuresti - Pensiunea Casa Mica *** encounter 533 online visits.
Other companies with similar business field from Bucuresti:

Continental SA operates hotel units in eight cities: Arad, Bucharest, Cluj, Oradea, Sibiu, Suceava, Turnu Severin, Targu-Mures.

Accommodation Bucharest - University Palace Hall, C. Victory, Union, P. Victory - you expect more than 15 locations-standard equipment - cd / dvd, home cinema, AC, cable, jacuzzi / shower, massage.

Short and long term accommodation in a total of 15 apartments for 3-5 star rating, car rental (car rental).

Laundries, industrial kitchens. Domestic or industrial air conditioning. Service boilers and water heaters. Service for all types of machines sold.


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