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 Tiparnita SRL Cluj-Napoca

 Main business
Manufacturer in the Printed Matter & Trade section of the Mass Media domain.
Offer services in the Assembling Structures & Facilities section of the Constructions domain.
Trader in the Device & Engine & Hardware section of the Electrical domain.
Manufacturer in the Protective Clothing & Overall section of the Clothing domain.

Strada Fabricii de Chibrituri 9, Cluj-Napoca, 400254

 In charge 
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 Mobile phone
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 Web address

Printing house. Gas and water piping for construction. Sale of accessories for electrical networks. Signalling strips for various uses. Water and sewerage services.

Tiparnita SRL Cluj-Napoca encounter 1703 online visits.
Other companies acting in similar business from Cluj:

Publishing house. Media publications.

Printing house. Calendar production. Printing offices.

Offset Printing publish books, magazines, newspapers, albums, folders, calendars, catalogs, prints, cards, sewing, stitching, stapling.

Printing, offset rotary printing, offset printing plan (magazines, brochures, catalogs, etc.).. Printing services, pre-press, printing, post-print. Tipoholding group.


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