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 Termoserv Doicesti SA

 Main business
Offer services in the Energy Distribution & Network & Equipment section of the Electrical domain.
Offer services in the Furnace & Boiler section of the Equipments domain.
Manufacturer in the Conditioning & Press Forming & Galvanization section of the Industrial domain.
Manufacturer in the Machinery & Repair section of the Electrical domain.

Aleea Sinaia 1, Doicesti, 137195

 In charge 
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Construction and repairs for power plants. Maintenance and repair of boilers. Turbines for hydroelectric power plants. Electric wiring and networks.

Termoserv Doicesti SA encounter 1725 online visits.
Other companies acting in similar business from Dambovita:

Design, execute and provide electrical service for all types: lines and fittings (LEA, LES 20-0.4kV), posts (PTA, PTZ), branching Inst. or interior lighting, sockets ground.

Voltage electrical networks. Lighting fixtures, floor lamps, chandeliers.

Telecommunication networks and services. Civil engineering. Voltage electrical networks. Networks construction and design. Mobile telecommunications.

Electricity distributor.


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