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 Tehnofrig SA Cluj-Napoca

 Main business
Trader in the Equipment & Packing & Machinery section of the Alimentation domain.
Manufacturer in the Wood & Metal Structures section of the Constructions domain.

Strada Fabricii de Chibrituri 5-11, Cluj-Napoca, 400254

 In charge 
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 Mobile phone
Not available.
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 Web address

Food industry equipment. Stainless steel metal structures.

Tehnofrig SA Cluj-Napoca encounter 5252 online visits.
Other companies with similar business field from Cluj:

For over 13 years was imposed on the market in the food industry as an importer and distributor of ingredients, packaging systems, sanitation systems, machinery and packaging lines.

We offer a wide variety of packages for food, catering, pastry laboratories, bakeries, carmangerii, supermarkets and a wide range of packing machines.

Division packaging systems, offers complete solutions in packaging systems, both in food, and the non-food industry. We sell packaging equipment and foil.

Share equipment and accessories directly from manufacturers catering for the hotel industry, restaurants, bars, cafes.


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