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 Tara's Vet SRL Bucuresti

 Main business
Offer services in the Veterinary Office & Clinic & Medicine section of the Health domain.
Offer services in the Pets & Food & Association & Services section of the Household domain.

Calea Crangasi 46, Bl.8, Bucuresti 6, 060343

 In charge 
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 Mobile phone
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 Web address

Veterinary cabinet. Cosmetics and beauty for pets. Pet hostel.

Tara's Vet SRL Bucuresti encounter 493 online visits.
Other companies with similar business field from Bucuresti:

Veterinary Emergency Service, treatments and preventive routine (preventive). Features: oxygen tube, screen (card, resp, temp) desocare kit, remote immobilisers. Non-stop!

Veterinary cabinet.

Doctor Acasa Clinic offers to its subscribers the possibility of performing all medical investigations at the highest level of performance and quality care.

Private practice of dermatology, venereology all insured CAS offers consultations, treatments and tests for free. Compensated and free recipes.


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