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 Tamarin Impex SRL Petrosani

 Main business
Trader in the Trade section of the Computers domain.
Trader in the Safe & Cash Register section of the Services domain.
Manufacturer in the Control & Measure & Automation & Simulator section of the Appliance domain.

Strada Avram Iancu Bl.2A, Ap.2, Petrosani, 332026

 In charge 
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 Web address

Provider and service provider for fiscal cash registers. Scales and precision equipment. Alarm systems, security and safety systems.

Tamarin Impex SRL Petrosani encounter 1226 online visits.
Other companies acting in similar business from Hunedoara:

New or refurbished computers, upgrades, repairs, parts, web design, CD presentation, electronic cards, installation software, Cleaners, networking, computer consulting, software.

Services for structured cabling for voice and data transmissions. Computers. National telephone services.

Computers. Supplies for printers - toner, ribbon. Computer service, troubleshoot and repair. Computer networks. Sale of computers. Computer hardware.

Hardware & Software Company - computers, laptops, printers, copiers, supplies, cameras / video, networking, cameras, LCD monitors, plasma TV.


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