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 Stilplast SRL Bacau

 Main business
Manufacturer in the Product & Processing & Ornamentation section of the Glass domain.
Trader in the Interior & Exterior Improvements & Design section of the Household domain.
Trader in the Roof & Cover & (Hydro)insulating section of the Constructions domain.
Manufacturer in the Spare Parts section of the Auto domain.

Calea Romanului 39B, Bacau, 600384

 In charge 
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Manufacturer of fibre glass and other products. Supply of equipment and facilities for pools. House thermal insulation. Thermal insulation and sound insulation for cars. Manufacturer of car windshields, rear windows, side windows, sunroofs.

Stilplast SRL Bacau encounter 1297 online visits.
Other companies acting in similar business from Bacau:

Production and marketing of Galle type items, lamps, vases.

Production of glass articles. Wholesale of glass products.

Fibreglass construction. Manufacturer/supplier of sanitary ware. Manufacturer of fibre glass and other products.


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