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 Sitrom '97 SA Arad

 Main business
Manufacturer in the Digging & Crane & Quarry & Pit section of the Machinery domain.

Strada Corneliu Coposu 3-4, Arad, 310003

 In charge 
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 Mobile phone
Not available.
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Construction material quarries.

Sitrom '97 SA Arad encounter 640 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Arad:

Importer of professional tools in Germany. Mark PROXXON, PROXXON MICROMOT, WGB, Matador, KUKKO, RUKO, KUKKO, Kress. Auto kits, ratchet, sockets. Drills, taps, dies.

Our company offers a generous range of Italian and German products. Promoted brands: Mahr, Lambrecht, Goodyear, HTC, Edi, fervor, Kennon, Fogo, Luga-abrasive, Skandia, Idealgas.

Sales & service of professional power tools: Bosch, Makita, Metabo, Hitachi. Welding: Telwin. Compressors: Fini. Construction machinery: Honda. Tools for Pipes: Rothenberger.

The company is specialized in selling construction backhoe and various equipment.


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